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Charity of the Year

Malvern Hills.jpg

Corporate Fundraising

We would be delighted to be nominated as your Charity of the Year and will be happy to help you in any way that we can.


We are always keen to tell people more about our charity and between us we can help your fundraising efforts reach a wider audience. 

Aileen Burton

Benefits of working with us

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can have many benefits for businesses including:

  • Employee Engagement - CSR can increase employee engagement and motivation

  • Customer loyalty - CSR can help businesses connect with customers' values and create emotional ties. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word of mouths referrals and higher sales.

  • Brand reputation - CSR can help businesses enhance their brand reputation and public trust.

  • PR opportunities - Working with a local charity can help raise your profile in the community. 

Helping you with your fundraising

  • "We Support Community Action" badge for your website

  • Your company logo on our 'Wall of Fame'

  • PR templates for you to use for your blogs and newsletters

  • Social media branding and templates

  • Branded email signature

  • Fundraising ideas

  • Promotional materials

  • Running an event? Lend our pop up banners and expo stands

  • We share your posts to help promote your fundraising events

What happens next? 

If you would like to learn more about our charity and ways to get involved, please contact our team, we will be happy to help. 

Call Launa to discuss our working together

01684 892381

Launa Brooks, Chief Officer

Useful Resources

Fundraising Pack

Download our fundraising pack to help you get started with your event.

Social Media Graphics

Download our graphics to help you get started with your event.

Charity Bio

Please find our charity bio here. Whenever you mention our charity in a blog or newsletter, please use this copy to save you time and make sure you have all the facts you need to make your event great. 

Our Bank Details

When you have had your amazing event, please pay any funds straight into our account using our UK Bank Details. 

Our Logos

Here are a range of official logos and our branding guidelines.

Email signature

If you wish, you can include this at the bottom of your emails, it will show how you're helping and can be linked straight to our Donations page.

Be inspired by some of our amazing fundraisers!

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